Our move to using oAuth for authentication in Spaz is going well. Many people have stepped up to help get the SpazCore libraries working, and Spaz Desktop has been updated to use the new authentication methods, both in the 0.8 branch and master.
However, Spaz webOS still hasn’t had work done on it to get oAuth working. July 16th is the Twitter Basic Auth cutoff, so we don’t have much time.
Here’s the big news: Palm has donated Palm Pre Plus phones for AT&T for me to GIVE AWAY to the top 3 contributors to Spaz webOS from now until July 12. That’s the day (I believe) we need to submit Spaz webOS to Palm for review, so it can be ready by the 16th.
So, you want a free phone? Get your ass in gear. Download the SDK now: http://bit.ly/duAHNg
To get through Palm’s review process, I believe we need to submit by July 12th. So before then, two things need to happen in Spaz webOS:
We’ve already accomplished this in the Spaz Desktop 0.8 branch, so doing it in webOS is very doable. Whether it gets done in time is up to you. I am on Twitter, available via email, and in #spaz on irc.freenode.net regularly to answer any questions.
Palm has been a major supporter of open source, and Spaz is (AFAICT) the only open source microblogging client available on the platform. Help me keep it going, please.