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I've been slow about posting this update -- my apologies!

Lone Star PHP 2013 was a great experience for me, and I think my OSMI talk went very well. Initially it wasn't on the main schedule, but because one of the scheduled speakers had to drop out, I was able to step up and fill in. I gave the talk in a large room up on a stage, which was a little intimidating, but I think it went well.

Like last time I recorded this video with my iPhone. The audio isn't great, but I was able to boost the volume and clean it up, so I think it's fairly listenable.

As before, I also uploaded the slides from this talk.

After I gave my talk, we did a BlueHackers BoF session modeled after the one I attended at Open Source Bridge. We had several folks attend, and I think it was really a good experience, giving people an opportunity to speak openly about issues and concerns in a safe place. I hope to do something like this at the upcoming events.

Next up are: